Sunday, August 9, 2009

Random Thoughts

It is funny and bizarre how human beings get swayed by anything and everything that promises them instant nirvana. So we have religions and faiths and beliefs that whether organized or lay, have only one premise - that if you are born human then you must suffer and if you must suffer then you must use some religion or belief or faith as a crutch to see you through that suffering.

I have almost started to believe that all faiths capitilize on this weakness of the human mind. That we are born on this earth to suffer. That if we don't suffer we don't make it to the pearly gates. That there's no salvation until you have gone through your share of miseries and wallowed in self pity and had the poor me syndrome.

Belief as it exists in people is so narrow minded and driven by the will of some god man or guru that it ceases to have any meaning because it ceases to be a belief in GOD and becomes a belief in the man/woman that propagates that belief. The authenticity and the greatness of the Supreme is lost as leaders of sects and religions revel in the adulation of ignorant followers. Followers who think they are miserable sufferers, who do not have the courage to fight their own battles, who have no strength of spirit to face trials and tribulations of life, who think that the only way out is the guru's way.

I wonder if that is the only way. I wonder if another human being can tell me how to shape my destiny. I wonder whether chanting mantras and performing rituals is the only way to God. I wonder that when each man is supposedly a part of god why does he not believe in his own godliness. I wonder if faith is part of religion or free of it. Why is the way to God not a celebration - as a joyful journey and a passage into a higher order of existence?


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