Sunday, April 24, 2011


She nods silently because she knows that words are too powerful a tool and sometimes in her earnestness to get her point across she sends the wrong message through her words. So she tries - tries hard to keep her counsel to herself but is never completely successful. It's a curse she thinks - this ability of hers to verbalize her thoughts so well - it intimidates people. She hates the noise that ensues after she has spoken - a noise so loud it deadens her soul.  Damn you she tells herself - damn you for being too expressive, for being too compassionate, for trying to make peace, for wanting to mend fences - damn you for thinking that your verbosity and loquaciousness can solve problems!  It hampers her spiritual growth - this constant effort to mend what cannot be mended. She has to accept that there is no such thing as perfect or even near perfect. She must learn to keep her counsel - to herself! And most importantly she must stop believing that her words can make a difference. People are what they want to be and not what she thinks her words can make them become. Her silence is a gift she has to give herself and to those around her. Maybe then there will be eternal peace........

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