Friday, June 12, 2009

I believe!

I believe I am here for a definite reason and in my journey across the time and space of this life I am going to be tested and tried not only by circumstances but also by my own judgments.

I believe that all that happens to me is pre-destined and decided by some universal force (I have no name for it yet and God sounds so banal!) and this force gives me the strength to bear it all regardless of how it impacts me and my life.

I believe that people come into my life because there is something that I have to take from them and something that I have to give them (I call it a karma barter). When the barter is perennial and flows across lives these people take the form of relatives and blood ties. When the barter is transient and limited they come as acquaintances, friends, and colleagues.

I believe that the karmic cycle is faultless and whatever and whoever comes into my circle of influence is either there to payback or to pay forward. The barter may end in this life or my karma may take it forward to the next. But I always pay my debts in every life!

I believe people are not good or bad. People are just reactors. They react to situations, circumstances and events based on their conscious and subconscious learning culled from their many lives and evolutions. Their life force is not a matter of who they are today but who they have been across time and space and how they have evolved during the ages they have lived.

I believe when the time comes and the payback is over, the universe let’s you know it’s over. Sometimes it hurts but more often that not it is a relief because it lets you on to the realization that you have paid your part of the debt and the karma cycle is fulfilled.

I believe that I have evolved through many lives of trials and tribulations to become what I am today. I have learnt my lessons, I have unlearned my lessons and I have also relearned my lessons. The learning has been a continuous process of mental and spiritual growth and I know that from here there’s only one way ahead.

I believe that everyone who has come into my life and touched it in some way has made me a better person. I am grateful that their presence in my life was planned in a way that they helped me in my endless quest to evolve to a better life.

I believe I am here for a definite reason and in my journey across the time and space of this life I have been blessed many times over to learn from each new person and experience!


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